The Gates are (nearly) open
5 June 2024
By Novoflot, Du Yun and Ruth Weiss
It is the first MBE (Maximum Broad Effect) station in Europe, set up in the heart of Munich’s city center for the Biennale. MBE represents highly adaptable docking and handling procedures that can serve a wide variety of future public urban transportation modes. It’s a unique innovation that raises high expectations. However, before the start of operations, there is the inauguration of the new station, and it’s the Berlin-based opera company Novoflot that orchestrates the multi-day opening celebrations of the new Munich station. Under the motto “The Gates are (nearly) open,” Novoflot and composer Du Yun invite all city residents and international guests to the first inspection of the station operated with MBE technology. The event showcases the music-controlled power supply, opens for the first time the “Feel well and easily moved” areas of the station, and presents some protagonists from the management of the new Munich landmark.
The Gates are (nearly) open
In cooperation with the Munich Biennale for New Music Theater and the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Nils Wogram trombone Hayden Chisholm saxophone
Damir Bacikin trumpet Antonis Anissegos keys
Chris Dahlgren bass Moritz Baumgärtner drums
Rosemary Hardy vocals Peter Fasching acting
Auditiv Vokal vocal quartet and others.
Direction and concept: Sven Holm musical direction: Vicente Larrañaga
stage: Elisa Limberg costumes: Nina von Mechow
dramaturgy and concept: Malte Ubenauf management: Dörte Wolter,
production management: Axel Lambrette and Rania Mavriki,
press and public relations: k3 Berlin.